Hugo Peixoto

About me

Hello, I'm wiki/Hugo Peixoto and I like programming and fixing bugs.

I am a software developer that believes that people should be in control of the technology they use. I prefer to produce Free Software and not to contribute to surveillance capitalism technology. I like to work on internal tools or R&D projects. I enjoy fixing bugs, optimizing, and improving codebases.

I organize Porto codes, a monthly programming meetup, and I have a podcast in portuguese: Conversas em Código. I'm a member of Associação Nacional para o Software Livre and Associação D3 - Defesa dos Direitos Digitais. I'm a maintainer of Cyberscore, a video game records community, and of F-Zero Central, a community of F-Zero fans.

Support me on github if you enjoy my work. It helps me keep going.

You can find me on Mastodon or on Twitter