Hugo Peixoto

Status update, September 2021

Published on September 30, 2021

Table of contents

September has been productive. I finished all but one of the tasks I had planned for this month and did some extra stuff.

September accomplishments

Speak at RustConf 2021. The video, slides, and code are already available.

I fixed the cyberscore bugs I mentioned last month. When using the old layout, users change their own profile information, so I migrated everyone to the new layout. Moderation tools like “Revert record” and “Reset record status” were broken, so these were fixed as well. There were also some pages that were broken when we migrated to MariaDB, thanks to queries where you select columns that are not aggregate or functionally dependent of the group by expressions.

Password recovery is now available on AlumniEI’s mentorship program. I also made an effort to prevent accidentally disclosing if a user is registered on the website or not, including via timing attacks. There’s some more information on this in the pull request review, but I might turn it into a short blog post. The website’s portuguese translation now comforms to gender neutral rules instead of defaulting to male pronouns.

I started working on migrating ANSOL’s website from Drupal 7 to Hugo. The content is all converted to markdown, now I need to work on the website itself. I also designed the banner for their 20 year anniversary and did some other tasks related to that event.

I didn’t find time to work on D3 or F-Zero Central.

Conversas em código is back! locks and I released episodes this month and we have a couple more in the queue. I also found two unreleased episodes from late 2020, so I edited them and will publish them whenever we need to fill in a gap. Let’s see if we can keep this up.

I’ve been playing sokoban with my hard drives, moving stuff around so I could full disk encrypt them all. The last disk should be done today, and then I can focus on organizing this mess.

My graphic design skills are practically non-existent and a lot of volunteer based projects I’ve been working on lack someone in that department, so I decided to read a bit about the subject. Thinking with type was sitting in my shelf so I started there. I’d appreciate any suggestions on what to pick up next.

October plans

I’ll be spending approximately 20h/week on a freelancing gig for the following three months. It’s going to be a cleanup job: upgrading some dependencies, fixing infrastructure issues, bringing terraform up to code.

I want to publish one podcast episode per week during October. It should be doable, since we already have enough recorded material for that. I just need to edit them.

The unnamed D3 project needs to be tackled this month. I have been delaying this for months now, and it’s a bit embarrassing. I think there’s a pending Joomla upgrade that needs attending.

I will focus on finishing ANSOL’s website rewrite. I’m not expecting to finish the whole thing since there are design and copywriting issues that need to be solved, but I want to get it into a state where could replace the current website.

There’s also the C++ presentation that I volunteered for. I still need to do some research and prepare the actual presentation. I’m going to talk about std::ranges. There’s still no fixed date, but it will be in November, somewhere in Porto.

If there’s any time left, I want to tackle F-Zero Central. This has been pretty low on my priority list, and if I don’t tackle it this month I’ll have to bump its priority in November.

Also, Hacktoberfest is happening. I don’t think I’ll organize anything this year, but I’ll probably join a local event. If you don’t know which project to contribute to, talk to me! I can probably help you find something.